Digital Asset Trading Platform Bitexen, which has made a name for itself in the blockchain ecosystem with many agreements and campaigns it implemented in the second quarter of 2020, has announced that it has launched a New Year campaign. Bitexen's campaign, which gives 5 BTXN coins to all new users, will last until the last day of 2020. Members who have created their Bitexen membership but have not yet verified their account can also benefit from the campaign.
Bitexen's Loyalty Coin BTXN Coin
Bitexen, the Digital Asset Trading Platform created by Turkish engineers, positions itself as the platform with the largest product range in Turkey. There are 102 digital currencies on the platform, along with Bitexen's loyalty coin BTXN Coin, of which only 15 million are produced using the ERC-20 protocol standard on the Ethereum blockchain, and 5151 transaction pairs are served.