Bitcoin Lobby in the US Elections: What the Candidates Think-banner-imageResearch

Bitcoin Lobby in the US Elections: What the Candidates Think

The United States is facing increasing tension as it approaches the elections to be held on 5 November. In the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, even though the scandals have changed the course of the process to a great extent, the candidates continue to maintain their promises and stances. While former US President Donald Trump's election campaign against Biden was escalating day by day, the assassination attempt and Biden's subsequent withdrawal from the process almost completely changed the course of events.

While Trump became a hero after the assassination attempt, Biden, who withdrew due to his illness, lost power even more. However, both fronts preferred to continue their progress by taking advantage of what happened.

While Trump continued his campaign at full speed, he decided to advance the process by appointing Kamala Harris instead of Biden.

Although candidates and policies continue to take shape at full speed, at the heart of the election lies a name we know very well: Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, which is one of Donald Trump's biggest trump cards against Biden, continues to be one of the most aggressive elements of the campaign that continues day by day. On the other hand, not only Trump, but also Harris seems to prefer a constructive course contrary to the current approach by approaching cryptocurrencies with his recent steps. The fact that similar steps are seen from other candidates in the process reveals the fact that Bitcoin and therefore cryptocurrencies are at the heart of the election.

Trump's Bitcoin promises

We can show Donald Trump as the candidate who adopts and uses Bitcoin the most during the election process. In his election policy, Trump harshly criticises the current approach in the US and argues that this atmosphere must change.

Trump, who complained not only about the approach but also about the scope of the actions to be taken: ‘If we don't, someone else will, we have to make the US the centre of crypto.’ He expressed that he did not want to leave the dominance of crypto to China. On the other hand, Trump, who made radical statements at the conference he attended for Bitcoin, mentioned that the price will continue to rise and will come to very important points.

Referring not only to Bitcoin itself but also to its mining, Trump mentioned that work should be done on this issue in the USA. In addition, one of his most important statements was his statement that he could consider Bitcoin as a reserve currency. Trump's positive and constructive approach to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general was well received by the markets.

What does Kamala Harris think?

Trump's biggest rival Kamala Harris' approach to cryptocurrencies is not clearly known given her past. Until Trump's speech, it remained unknown what approach he would take at this point. However, with the impact of the speech, Harris' team contacted the leading cryptocurrency companies in the US. In addition, the team, which also contacted the leading names of the sector, collected positive comments due to these approaches.

With this latest step, it is seen that Harris, unlike Biden, recognises the existence of this sector and is preparing to establish a constructive environment by consulting on this issue.

There is one more name

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr was among the names that made ambitious statements about Bitcoin. Kennedy said in a statement that the US will purchase as much Bitcoin as the gold reserve it has.

The promised Bitcoin requires a purchase of $ 615 billion.