Istanbul Technical University Robot Olympics 2022 will be held on March 24-25-26 under the sponsorship of Bitexen.
ITU Robot Olympics is the most rooted Robot Olympics in Turkey, which ITU Control and Automation Club organized for the fourteenth time this year. ITU Robot Olympics (ITURO) is an organization that aims to bring together students, academics, and industry representatives working in the field of robotics through events to be organized and plans to challenge the studies conducted in this field in light of technological developments. Bitexen Technology, whose roots are based on ITU ARI Technology, will host seminars by domestic and foreign academics, award-winning competitions, and a panel discussion on the Metaverse, one of today's most popular topics, as part of the ITU Robot Olympics, which it sponsored last year. At the three-day event, the topic of science in space will be discussed with one of the researchers of NASA, popular science writer Umut Yıldız, and the topic of entrepreneurship and technology will be discussed with Sabancı University faculty member Prof. Dr. Aytül Erçil. The topic of human-robot interaction will be discussed with Prof. Dr. Çağatay Başdoğan, who works at Koç University Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory. And on Jul. 22, 1987, seminars will be held in which Muhammed Faris, who flew to space as a cosmonaut, will share his experiences.